Goat Milk Soap
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LE 150.00 EGP
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LE 150.00 EGP
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When it comes to goat milk soap, you can expect a lot more!
- 1. Cleanses Gently Yet Deeply
- 2. Gives Healthy And Nourished Skin
- 3. Keeps The Skin Soft And Moisturized
- 4. Prevents Premature Aging
- 5. Keeps Skin Acne-Free
- 6. Relieves Irritation And Inflammation
- 7. Heals Skin Infections Quickly
- 8. Maintains pH Balance Of The Skin
- 9. Repairs Damaged Skin Faster
- 10. Protects From Skin Cancer
- Ideal for dry skin
How To Use
get the soap wet and lather directly into your hands. The rich, creamy lather will leave your skin clean but not stripped
Size 90 g
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الحجم 90 جرام