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Scalp massager shampoo hair brush

Regular price LE 150.00 EGP
Regular price Sale price LE 150.00 EGP
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feels awesome and has additional benefits to boot like deep cleansing your hair and helping to reduce scalp itch and dandruff. Get one.

Giving yourself a daily scalp hair massage not only feels awesome, but also provides a variety of therapeutic functions for your hair and scalp. These benefits include increasing blood flow to your hair follicles which helps promotes hair growth, reduce scalp itch, and comfortably exfoliate dead skin which helps eliminate dandruff. If you have dandruff, eczema, and/or seborrheic dermatitis, grabbing this tool could be a hair-saver.

فرشاة تدليك فروة الرأس من جلامور دي نور 

لتدليك فروة الرأس وتحفيز الدورة الدموية بالشعر والرأس اثناء استخدام الشامبو او اثناء ووضع حمام الكريم

تعمل علي زياده تدفق الدم الي بصيلات شعرك مما يساعد علي تعزيز نمو الشعر وتقشير الجلد الميت بشكل مريح مما يساعد علي القضاء علي قشرة الشعر